Sunday, October 17, 2010

quick ride

While riding the 50km Around the bay in a day trip, I realised that my odometry on my bicycle computer is screwed up. The calibration resets, along with the clock, every time I reset the distance counter. Lame.
The 50km ride is pretty quick and flat - even the Westgate doesn't pose much of a challenge because of the huge lead-in making the slope fairly gentle. I saw no fewer than three unicycles along the way. There were also three guys on a triple bike. A lot of corporate groups, some couples and lots of solo riders. I'd say if you have anything faster than a mountain bike, 50km isn't worth doing more than once. I got 1:27 there, 1:10 on the way back. On the way back I was keeping up with a teenager on a road bike.

Figure 1: Monash manufactured enthusiasm.

Figure 2: Evolved pest.

I can confirm that Melbourne is a flat city and great to ride it. Unfortunately it doesn't apply to the suburbs.