Wednesday, December 23, 2009


After coming back from an evening with extended family, I have been made more aware of my own expectations. I do expect people to keep their word, though it seems less and less likely to occur nowadays. Having an 'evening' blow out by 500% of the expected value to conclude at 4AM is something I frown upon.

Though it was a totally new experience, I don't believe that I am much for the better having undertaken it. Christmas light displays, McDonalds after midnight and Kings pool and arcade gaming machines among others. They seem like poor excuses to stay up for the sake of staying up and spending money recklessly (my own arbitrary definition).

This kind of lifestyle doesn't appear to give any indication of being able to look after oneself well and also lacks discipline.

I do hope to experience something 'else' while on exchange, free from the constraints of life in Melbourne whether it be distance/transport or family, however, I hope I don't have to compromise values that I feel are important. Some things will probably just be reinforced, such as my non-mainstream or non-existent sense of fun.

There is the chance that I might find myself completely at home in that everything is work and fun doesn't exist. Or it might be that fun is for work or work purposes at least - even in the slightest manner for making new business contacts. Shit, my great uncle just spoke in his sleep. Scary because I didn't turn on any of the lights and he's in the lounge room.

Anyway, I'll get around to addressing other topics as they come up. Hehe that means making a list like yours Sam!

1 comment:

  1. i recommend you do some crazy stuff on exchange. and wish you totally random surprises that are overally positive!!
