Sunday, March 21, 2010

food apathy?

I think I feel a kind of apathy towards foods.
Observing how some groups may extract satisfaction from hopping about one dessert store to another made me reflect on my own attitudes towards foods.

Others seem to be quite vocal about how good they perceive the food to be... some sort of "I can't believe its not butter?!" incredulation. [1]

I just don't see what all the fuss is about after a certain point. Perhaps it'd be better explained with the aid of a diagram:

Perhaps my x-axis label is wrong... but this is the feeling I'm getting anyway.

[1] Adapted from Mr Goh-Chew


  1. food is nice. i'm sure eating tasty foods is one of ur pastimes too. we just just dont express it as ecstaticly as others do

  2. clearly you just eat for survival

    and how come your blog requires verification...?

  3. My blog requires verification because there was an option to make it that way...

    eating for survival makes sense
