Sunday, July 1, 2018

Back to school

I went back to uni for a semester. After one unit into a sixteen unit coursework Masters degree, I'm cutting my losses.

My intentions were:
  • to learn how to software dev
  • be more comfortable creating software - not just prototype code
  • prove to myself that I can learn again

but it turns out that:
  • group assignments are more about management
  • marks are handed out like lollies
  • tutors are egging on about a class leaderboard (cultural thing)
  • there's some awkward pronunciation eg Arrays
  • all the tutors seem to come from one ethnicity (unlike my ugrad, tutor ethnicity didn't match the lecturer's)

It's good that it:
  • is a slower pace than intensive courses, so there's time to practice
  • as a part time student I can focus more
  • I don't need the marks to apply for a job

  • claim they don't know how to program and did ugrad in accounting
  • suffer from depression
  • demonstrate that they can't program, procrastinate, ask for help at the last moment and buzzword bullshit through presentations
  • eg. waterfall method didn't work well because we waited on each other...  no shit, when they did no work
So I'm almost definitely going to be a uni dropout now!