Monday, July 31, 2017

Helicoil repair for disc brake post mount

After some overzealous brake alignment efforts, the post-mount thread became stripped and the bolt retained only with Loctite. I baulked at the cost of a replacement fork so I ordered M6 thread insert repair gear.

Yeah, that thread is gone. I used the drill and vacuumed out the old stuff.

 Inserting the new thread. I bought longer ones as I feared the ones in the kit would be too short.

 Oh dear. The tool gets stuck and there's thread left over. I cut it off with cable cutters.

The thread insert guide tool is a bit mangled. Perhaps I will measure the depth of the drill as well as the depth of the tap before driving a thread insert next time.

Otherwise it seems to be a solid repair at around $15 (with my own labour but less wastage) instead of $100.

Monday, April 17, 2017

Giant Revolt 2 back brake noise

I think mine is mostly due to the locknuts coming loose on the rear wheel. Doing them up seems to avoid noise for the next few months and alignment is achieved with the rotor and callipers.