Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Myki automatic blocking

Remote unblocking improves myki customer experience

Date Published: Tuesday 11 December 2012
Metropolitan customers whose myki card is blocked following a failed auto top up payment request will now have their myki card remotely unblocked.
A blocked myki card will be unblocked when a customer touches on at a myki reader or myki gate, or uses a myki machine. A card will also be unblocked at a Premium Station ticket office or myki retail outlet, provided a customer is completing a myki top up transaction.
The change means customers no longer have to post their myki to customer care to be unblocked and significantly reduces the amount of time between making the required payment and being able to use the myki card.
Auto top up adds value to a myki card and then requests payment from the customer’s linked bank account or credit card later. If this payment request is unsuccessful, the myki is blocked until payment has been made.
If an auto top up customer has their myki card blocked, they can make a payment via their online account or by calling 1800 800 007. A successful payment immediately triggers a request to be sent to myki devices across the system to unblock the card.
Customers should allow at least 24 hours for their payment to be processed and for the unblock request to be available at devices.
Remote unblocking has initially been introduced in metropolitan Melbourne. Bus passengers in regional towns where myki operates should note that the software is currently scheduled to be deployed on regional buses by the end of 2012. It is possible to unblock a myki at a myki machine in regional towns.
Auto top up is available to registered customers and provides ‘set and forget’ convenience. When a customer’s myki money balance falls below their nominated threshold, it is automatically topped up with an amount of the customer’s choice so that they are always ready to travel.
Customers should ensure that their bank account or debit/credit card details are kept up to date in their myki online account, and that sufficient funds are available to pay for any top up that has been applied to their myki.

It sounds like if you're courageous enough to use auto top up then you'd better be clever enough to have another card - especially with the unblocking delay. Ridiculous.

Also, I had a dream where I didn't add the fried onion packet into my instant mi goreng. Scary scenario.